Snow Report + Postponement

Unfortunately, South Colton received more rain that we did in the Canton/Potsdam area the past few days, so the ski conditions at the park are poor and the snow cannot be groomed at this time.

Therefore, we are choosing to postpone the Ski with a Saint event until conditions improve. Do your snow dances! Jenny

Ski Report:

While Potsdam and Canton were getting icing, we were getting rain, rain and more rain. We still have snow, but the snow is saturated; the water needs to drain out and the snow to begin firming up before we can groom.

Mike Morse tried to groom a small area by the old Nature Center for the Ermines this morning. He found that as soon as he got on the snow the snow was disappearing, turning to water. He was forced to stop, in order to preserve the snow.

Skiing today will be very mushy. It would be better to stay off the trails, but we understand that the weekend is the only opportunity most people have to ski so what will be will be.

Fingers crossed that the snow expected Sunday turns out to be more than predicted.

Ed & Judy

On behalf of the Friends of HFSP Board